How does it feels to be on a period?

10:57 AM

A period is the part of the menstrual cycle when a woman bleeds from her vagina for a few days. In most women this happens every 28 days or so. It's common for women to have a cycle slightly shorter or longer than this (from 24 to 35 days). Girls have their first period during puberty.
Periods are messy and painful ! Even though the symptoms vary from woman to woman, I could give you a few pointers.
  • Your breasts swell up a bit and get super sensitive to the extend of pain at slight touch.l
  • You are always worried about spillage on your dress,( this is an embarrassing and nerve wrecking situation )
  • Stomach pain, for some, its just slight pain, but worst case scenario is that some women fainted due to it.
  • Heavy flow can last for days. And you might stink a bit.
  • You feel like you are in constant peeing mode. Imagine you cough a bit and you can feel like its a tap open down there.
  • We are emotionally extra sensitive, some of us get needy
  • Weak and tiered.
  • Hormones would be playing with us like crazy
  • Headaches or body aches, again comes with the fatigue.

Honestly speaking. Its a wreck some experience, but its a part of being a woman. There is. Phase called PMS. That generally happens two weeks before you period.
It would include symptoms like
  • Getting irritated easy
  • Getting happy easy
  • Mixed rage of emotions
  • Stomach pain, headache
  • You would be more sexually inclined

Anyways, if you feel like you are trapped in a wrong gender, I would completely say to go ahead and change yourself. And be free :)

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