How to get more visitors to your site

8:09 AM

Why Nobody Visits Your Blog

The reason is simple – writing great content isn’t enough to attract readers.
You need to push your content continuously on multiple platforms in a variety of ways to attract regular readership and increase user engagement.
Just randomly sharing your content once or twice on Twitter and Facebook isn’t enough. You need to follow a comprehensive blog promotion strategy every time you post fresh content.

Today’s internet users have very short attention spans and even shorter memories. If your content is not in their face all the time, you’re likely to miss out on a significant portion of your potential blog traffic.
If you believe your content is good enough to help the readers then why wait for them to find you?

So it’s important that you stand out from the hundreds of blog posts your potential readers see every day, by creating excitement and a sense of anticipation with your blog content.
Here are a few ways you can attract more readers to your blog, prepare them for future posts and push your content aggressively once it goes online.


 How to Get 1,000 Visitors to your Website

Hello from Google.

As a Google Analytics customer, you've shown that you really care about attracting high-quality visitors to your website. Now I'd like to suggest a way for you to bring in even more customers.

Your current customers most likely search for your business by name (e.g. "Anna's bakery"). But prospective customers tend to search by topic and city, such as "Restaurants in New York" or "Florist in San Francisco". With an ad on Google, you can make it easy for people to find you using the words they choose.

Getting started is easy.

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1-800-903-0274 before June 30, 2013. Please use this offer code: 9QCRJ-YXYWY-66DK. (Offer valid for new customers only.)

Thanks for your partnership with Google.

Best wishes,

Brett Willms
The Google AdWords Team
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